Impending Flood Threat in Yobe State: Urgent Preparedness Required

 In a concerning turn of events, recent forecasts have raised an alarm over the likelihood of severe flooding in several local government areas of Yobe State within the next ten days. The predictions, spearheaded by the Fanfair Forecast - a European Union funded project on flood management in West Africa - have identified seven LGAs at high risk: Yusufari, Yunusari, Bursari, Geidam, Karasuwa, Nguru, and Bade.

According to the Fanfair Forecast, the severity levels of the impending flood vary across the region. The Nuguru axis is predicted to experience severity level 3, indicating a significant threat, while other areas fall under severity levels 2 and 1, surpassing the normal threshold for flood risk.

This disconcerting outlook is reinforced by another forecast from Glofas, which also underscores the mounting danger of flooding. With a 5-year return period, this forecast predicts a potential flood peak in the next ten days within the mentioned LGAs. The Glofas forecast adds that there is a 70-80% probability of extreme rainfall exceeding 50mm across both Yobe and Adamawa States, further exacerbating the risk of flooding.

The convergence of extreme rainfall and rising water levels amplifies the vulnerability of the region to flooding. As a result, there is a grave concern about the potential for flood warning level 3, the highest alert level, within certain LGAs in Yobe State over the next ten days.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the Yobe State government, in collaboration with the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), along with other strategic partners, is taking proactive measures to mitigate the potential impact. These efforts include engaging local authorities in at-risk areas and communities to closely monitor the situation and implement preparedness strategies.

The Director of Information Services at the Ministry of Home Affairs Information and Culture, Mrs. Husna Ibrahim, emphasized the importance of preparedness in a statement issued in Damaturu. She urged authorities in the identified LGAs to be vigilant about heavy rainfall and rising water levels along the Yobe River. The medium possibility of heavy rainfall and strong water discharge necessitates the update of flood contingency plans and constant monitoring of the riverine flooding situation.

In light of the imminent threat, the affected LGAs are also advised to be vigilant against strong winds, in addition to heavy rainfall. Technical assistance and support should be provided as needed to safeguard communities and minimize potential damages.

The gravity of the forecasted flood risk in Yobe State cannot be underestimated. Timely and decisive action is imperative to protect lives, property, and infrastructure. By heeding the warnings, collaborating with authorities, and implementing preparedness measures, the impact of the impending flood can be mitigated, ensuring the safety and well-being of the people in these vulnerable areas.

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